"Some days I feel so overcome by my capacity for love that I worry it will sit in my heart forever, never being shared and eventually turning hard as I’m left to rot." — this one brought me to tears, thank you for sharing. this was beautiful and raw and SO WELL captures a lot of the things i feel as a single woman in her 20s. amazing read

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this means so much ❤️ it's been on my mind for a while and I'm so glad it resonates with so many people- we've got each other!!

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Thank you for writing this!! This is exactly how I feel. Being single doesn't mean there's an absence of love - I think as long as we're willing to give love there will always be someone there to share it with. Even if it is your beautiful cat!

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totally agree!! 🐈✨❤️

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I love how you tie this all together! I recently had a conversation with my mom where I asked her why she never does things on her own, she told me she has never felt the need and has never really been alone. I in that moment realized that although I desperately wish for a lover and in my heart of hearts I know it is meant for me, i also admitted to her that I want to be the kind of person who can do it on her own. the kind of parent with infinite stories to tell on my adventures. this idea that love and singleness and feminism has a universal answer is everything every major feminist preached against. we must do better!

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totally agree!! thank you for reading :)

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beautifully said. so vulnerable yet witty, but always honest. this was like a bowl of fresh fruit to start the day with. thank you for sharing.

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beautifully said by you too!! a bowl of fresh fruit is how I always want to be described ❣️ thank you for reading

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Jun 28Liked by Julianna


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Jun 28Liked by Julianna


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thank you so so much for writing this! i have never found someone else who had the same thoughts in this topic genuinely (most of them fake it when i talk about it).

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Jun 26Liked by Julianna

i am so glad i came across this essay and read it! thank you for sharing :)

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so beautifully written

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the last paragraph is pure gold!!!!

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This is so beautifully written 🫶

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thank you so much!!

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and i bet that petunia room will be beautiful and full of love

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i love you

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I love that and I love you too

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This last paragraph deeply touched me. I feel so similarly!!! ahhh to be a Being full of so much love that containing it feels impossible…. With you there and appreciating your share ❤️

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“Since the dawn of time, women have been defined in relation to men, and perhaps that is the reason we’re seeing the rise of the girl… Womanhood represented a responsibility for others, and girlhood a responsibility to self. This is why, in these times where women are rejecting the notion of settling down, we cling to the concept of being ‘just a girl’.” - This did it for me. An absolutely amazing take in a PERFECT read about the high, lows, and plateaus of being single.

Your early connections between pop culture, like Sex and the City, and singleness reminded me of The Golden Girl’s reference to singleness in a new way. As you said, we (women) are so often related to men through value (child bearing, house making, etc) and purpose (making him look good, taking care of him). Even as far as our 60s, 70s, and 80s, when our men may be gone and we’re nearer to the end of our “duties” and well, lives. It all made your last paragraph all the more beautiful and touching, especially as a 19 year old navigating love and life at what is the the very precipice of adulthood. Thank you for sharing and writing SO beautifully xx

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